
Product description

Product model

Design & development

  • CMS80F262x

    This series of chips is cored with enhanced 1T 8051 with max clock frequency of 48MHz. Both LCD driving and LED driving are supported which makes the chip widely implemented in smart homes, new energy management, medical electronics healthcare, Small home appliances, motor controls, commerical & industrial management and etc.

    Datasheet >

    The CMS80F262x series are chips designed by us with enhanced 1T flash MCU. the max clock frequency of this chip is 48MHz, together with the operating voltage being ranged within 2.1V~5.5V, the Flash memory being as 64KB, the XRAM being as 4KB, general RAM being as 256B, the Data Flash being as 1KB.

    There are 46 GPIOs, 6-channel enhanced PWM, LCD & LED display ports, build-in 12-bit ADC, 2-channel analogue comparator, 5 16-bit general timer, 4-channel UART, 1-channel SPI in the chip.

    This series of chip we design fulfils all industrial grade requirements with operating temperature ranged within -40~-105 ℃ and are available in SOP28,LQFP32, LQFP44 & LQFP48 packages.


    >  enhanced 1T 8051 core

    >  operating voltage:2.1V-5.5V @48MHz

    >  operating temperature:-40℃ - 105℃

    >  64KB Flash ROM

    >  256B general RAM

    >  4KB XRAM

    >  1KB Data Flash

    >  5 16-bit general timer

    >  6-channel enhanced PWM module

    >  hardware LCD driver supported(fast charge supported & operational under sleep mode)

    >  hardware LED driver supported(COM, SEG current selectable)

    >  2-channel analogue comparator with dual-edging-lag function(it is supported that the comparator can be triggering an EPWM brake)

    >  build-in high-precision low-speed ADC. sample rate: 100Ksps

    >  build-in LSE timer, with waking-up supported

    >  4 UART ports supported at most

    >  1 I2C port supported

    >  1 SPI port supported

    >  4 types of oscillasion supported

    >  46 GPIOs supported

    >  buzzer supported

    >  WDT/WWDT supported

    >  packaging:SOP28、LQFP32、LQFP44 & LQFP48

  • Product model

    Part Number Package Frequency (MHz) Core Temp Voltage Memory Type ROM RAM Data Flash EEPROM GPIO DMA Timer LSE WDT/WWDT RTC UART I²C SPI CAN LIN PWM/EPWM SAR-ADC SAR-ADC-bit SAR-ADC-ch SAR-ADC-speed(Msps) DAC DAC-bit OPA COMP PGA Driver LCD LED Touch Co_proc CO-DIV Encryption Other Interface
    CMS80F26282 SOP28 48 8051 -40~105 2.1~5.5 Flash 64KB 256B+4KB 1KB / 26 / 5x16 Y / / 2 1 1 / / 6 1 12 14 / / / / 2 / /

    16 ×4 15 ×5 14 ×6 12 ×8

    14 ×4 13 ×5 12 ×6 10 ×8

    / / / / /
    CMS80F2629 LQFP32 48 8051 -40~105 2.1~5.5 FLASH 64KB 256B+4KB 1KB / 30 / 5 Y 1 / 2 1 1 / / 6 1 12 16 / / / / 2 / /

    20 ×4 19 ×5 18 ×6 16 x8

    17 ×4 16 ×5 15 ×6 13 x8

    / 1 1 / /
    CMS80F262A LQFP44 48 8051 -40~105 2.1~5.5 FLASH 64KB 256B+4KB 1KB / 42 / 5 Y 1 / 4 1 1 / / 6 1 12 23 / / / / 2 / /

    32 ×4 31 ×5 30 ×6 28 x8

    28 ×4 27 ×5 26 ×6 24 x8

    / 1 1 / /
    CMS80F262B LQFP48 48 8051 -40~105 2.1~5.5 FLASH 64KB 256B+4KB 1KB / 46 / 5 Y 1 / 4 1 1 / / 6 1 12 23 / / / / 2 / /

    36 ×4 35 ×5 34 ×6 32 x8

    28 ×4 27 ×5 26 ×6 24 x8

    / 1 1 / /

  • Design & development

    Name Version Describe Download
    Application Notes for CMS 8051 Microcontroller V1.0.12

    Application Notes for CMS 8051 Microcontroller 

    Download >
    CMS80F262x_DemoCode V1.7.6

    Contains the driver and sample program of the CMS80F262x_Demo chip module

    Download >
    8051 chip ADC model Application Note V1.01

    ADC model Application Note for CMS 8051 chip

    Download >
    8051MCU I2C Application Note V1.0.1

    Cmsemicon 8051MCU I2C Application Note

    Download >
    CMS80F262x Data sheet V1.0.6

    CMS80F262x chip feature,performance indicators, packaging information, etc.

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    CMS80F262x Reference Manual V1.0.9

    CMS80F262x chip modules, chip registers, clocks, storage, etc.

    Download >
    8051MCU LSE Application Note V1.0.0

    Cmsemicon 8051MCU LSE Application Note

    Download >
    CMS80F26282 data sheet V1.02

    CMS80F26282 chip feature, performance indicators, packaging information, etc.

    Download >


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