
Product description

Product model

Design & development

  • CMS32L051

    64KB Flash,64MHz,single-cycle multiplier. has rich peripheral resources such as high-speed communication interface, RTC, etc. which are widely used in consumer electronics, medical health, household appliances, measurement and industrial control. 

    Datasheet >

    The CMS32L051 is a mainstreaming MCU series that we designed based on ARM-Cortex M0+ which has a operating frequency being as 64MHz, operating voltage being ranged within 1.8V~5.5V, 64KB Flash and 1.5KB Data Flash, 8KB SRAM, 45 GPIO, integrated ADC, general timer, RTC, SPI, I2C DMA and different kinds of peripheral facilities. This series is mainly utilized in consumer electronics, medical healthcare facilities, household appliances, surveying instruments, industrial controls and etc.

    Most of the digital functions support a free IO mapping.The chip is packaged in the forms of QFN20、TSSOP20、QFN24、SSOP24、LQFP32、QFN32、QFN40、LQFP48.


    > ARM Cortex M0+ cored

    > maximum operating frequency:64MHz @1.8V-5.5V  

    > operating voltage:1.8V-5.5V

    > operating temperature:-40℃ - 105℃

    > 64KB Flash

    > 8KB SRAM

    > 1.5KB Data Flash

    > 45 GPIOs

    > flexible system clock capable of being changed without restriction

    > hardware single period multiplier module

    > 8 16-bit general timer 

    > 1 15-bit interval timer(low power-consumption timer)

    > 1 WDT  

    > 1 RTC

    > enhanced DMA controller

    > linkage controller

    > A/D convertion-35-channel high-precision 12-bit ADC

    > 1 standard SPI port, 5 simplified SPI port

    > 1 standard I2C port, 5 simplified I2C port

    > 3 UART ports with LIN-Bus supported

    > 1 IrDA channel

    > multiple low power consumption modes supported: sleep/deep sleep/power-down

    > 80uA @deep sleep mode

    > 5uA @power-down mode+32.768KHz+RTC

    > IEC/UL 60730 fitted

    > anomalous storage accessibility report, hardware CRC check, special SFR protection, these prevent mis-manipulations

    > 128 digit unique id serial number

    > packaging:QFN20/TSSOP20/QFN24/SSOP24/LQFP32/QFN32/QFN40/LQFP48

  • Product model

    Part Number Package Frequency (MHz) Core Temp Voltage Memory Type ROM RAM Data Flash GPIO DMA Timer LSE WDT/WWDT RTC UART I²C SPI LIN PWM/EPWM SAR-ADC SAR-ADC-bit SAR-ADC-ch SAR-ADC-speed(Msps) Touch Co_proc
    CMS32L051QN20 QFN20 64 M0+ -40~105 1.8 - 5.5 FLASH 64KB 8KB 1.5KB 16 22 8 Y 1 1 3 1+3 1+3 1 5 1 12 10 0.5 / 1
    CMS32L051TS20 TSSOP20 64 M0+ -40~105 1.8~5.5 FLASH 64KB 8KB 1.5KB 16 22 8 Y 1 1 3 1+3 1+3 1 5 1 12 10 0.5 / 1
    CMS32L051QN24 QFN24 64 M0+ -40~105 1.8 - 5.5 FLASH 64KB 8KB 1.5KB 21 22 8 Y 1 1 3 1+5 1+5 1 6 1 12 17 0.5 / 1
    CMS32L051SS24 SSOP24 64 M0+ -40~105 1.8 - 5.5 FLASH 64KB 8KB 1.5KB 21 22 8 Y 1 1 3 1+5 1+5 1 6 1 12 17 0.5 / 1
    CMS32L051LQ32 LQFP32 64 M0+ -40~105 1.8~5.5 FLASH 64KB 8KB 1.5KB 29 22 8 Y 1 1 3 1+3 1+3 1 8 1 12 24 0.5 / 1
    CMS32L051QN32 QFN32 64 M0+ -40~105 1.8~5.5 FLASH 64KB 8KB 1.5KB 29 22 8 Y 1 1 3 1+3 1+3 1 8 1 12 24 0.5 / 1
    CMS32L051QN40 QFN40 64 M0+ -40~105 1.8~5.5 FLASH 64KB 8KB 1.5KB 37 22 8 Y 1 1 3 1+4 1+4 1 8 1 12 27 0.5 / 1
    CMS32L051LQ48 LQFP48 64 M0+ -40~105 1.8~5.5 FLASH 64KB 8KB 1.5KB 45 22 8 Y 1 1 3 1+5 1+5 1 8 1 12 35 0.5 / 1

  • Design & development

    Name Version Describe Download
    CMS32L051 data sheet V1.9.6

    CMS32L051 chip performance indicators, packaging information, etc.

    Download >
    CMS32L051 user manual V1.2.3

    CMS32L051 modules,  chip registers, clocks, storage, etc.

    Download >
    Cmsemicon.CMS32L051.pack V1.4.3

    CMS32L051 Keil pack

    Download >
    Cmsemicon.CMS32L051-S.pack V1.0.0

    CMS32L051-S Keil pack

    Download >


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