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13 2024-12
[New Product Release] Cmsemicon Lauches High-Cost-Performance Touch MCU CMS79FT72xB Series
China Micro Semicon Co., Ltd. (short name: Cmsemicon, stock code: 688380) continues to expand its 8-bit MCU product line
22 2024-11
[Honors] CMS32M65/67 Motor Control Series by Cmsemicon Wins Two Industry Awards
Recently, China Micro Semicon Co., Ltd. (short name: Cmsemicon, stock code: 688380) has been honored with two prestigiou
18 2024-06
【New Product Release】Cmsemicon Launches Industrial-Grade MCU BAT32G439 Series
China Micro Semicon Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Cmsemicon, stock code: 688380) recently expanded it
29 2024-05
【New Product Release】Cmsemicon Launches High-Precision CMS8H341x Series SoC Supporting 4-Electrode AC Impedance Measurement
Recently, China Micro Semicon Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Cmsemicon, stock code: 688380) announced
25 2024-04
【New Product Release】Cmsemicon Launches Automotive-Grade SoC Series BAT32A6700 for Simplified Automotive Actuator Design
Recently, China Micro Semicon Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Cmsemicon, stock code: 688380) announced
19 2024-04
【New Product Release】Cmsemicon Launches Cost-effective IO-type OTP MCU SC8P05x Series
Recently, China Micro Semicon Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Cmsemicon, stock code: 688380) announced
19 2024-04
【Featured Solutions】Cmsemicon Automotive Solutions Empower Automotive Intelligence Upgrade
With the rapid development of automotive intelligence, high-performance, high-function safety, and high-data security au
03 2024-04
【New Product Release】Cmsemicon Launches CMS32M67 Series for Eco-Friendly Cycling Applications
Recently, China Micro Semicon Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Cmsemicon, stock code: 688380) announced
01 2024-04
【Honors】Cmsemicon Awarded Annual “Market Performance Award” by Shenzhen Semiconductor Industry Association
On March 29th, the Shenzhen Semiconductor Industry Association held its annual Integrated Circuit Industry Summit and th

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